Tuesday, 15 April 2008

is there a bustle in your hedgerow?

so... finished those hand drawings for my wall piece... as you can see..

so now working on my "TRUE STORIES" graphic novel....
i am currently thinking of basing it on the story of ROBERT JOHNSON
one of the first few blues guitarists said to have sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads in exchange for his musical talent..
i want to do something quite sinister and eerie.. plus, i fucking love the blues. gives me a great excuse to listen to loads of it the next few weeks....

Monday, 14 April 2008

rainy monday

so, its a rainy april monday
finishing off my 'wall' project... which has to go up in an exhibition on thursday.. which doesnt make me smile
having been away all easter in morocco... and having had to work loads when i got back for money, i havnt had much time to spend on this project.
basically, i am looking at the topic of "YOU ARE HERE"
basing my work on my trip to morocco too...
i am drawing (by hand) two hands...
one on each wall. one is lavishly decorated in henna style patterns (i have also looked in moroccan symbolisms... and i have largely used symbols of safety (as this is what you would really want in your hotel room surely...)
and on the other hand i am placing the moroccan flag.
this is not the most exciting idea... nor will it be brilliantly executed... but i am doing my best to get this done and out of the way.. as i am itching to start on the Graphic Novel. "TRUE STORIES"
here is an image of my work in progress::::::

yes its a shit image.. i took it on my phone...
for thursday i still have to finish the red hand... then make a small scale model of the room to illustrate how it will look... and i have a workshop on wednesday. so that is what my next two days will be.....

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


just found out that my project is actually due in next week, and not tomorrow, which is nice. can do a better job of the presentation now.
just for reference, i am working on the 'a wall' project. which is to...
"Design a large-scale image/design that will be used on a minimum of 2 walls in a hotel room."
I am basing my work on my morocco trip...
and the theme "YOU ARE HERE"
so... i am thinking about national identity... and what i think i will present is two walls with an large image of a hand on each..
(images to come soon)
one hand will be highly decorated in henna.. the other with the moroccan flag.
drawn in a slightly disjointed faux-naiive style. black outlines and emphasised shapes.
maybe an 'essaouira blue' background...
like i said... images to be updated soon.. but here... enjoy this tasty morsal. someone has to.

Monday, 7 April 2008


off up to uni now... working on 'a room' project.
basically, 2 3x4m wall pieces to potentially go somewhere like in a hotel bedroom...
im basing mine on my morocco trip... henna work, tanneries and essaouirra blue...
i'll update some images soon.. but to keep you entertained for now... here is a gherkin, hacking down a tree. take it any way you like....

Friday, 4 April 2008


So, i am currently the poorest i have ever been... which is great
Doesn't make doing (non-paid uni) work very easy
Hence the lack of new posts of new work... hopefuly some soon
Here are a few photos from my adventures in northern africa....
I do reccomend a visit to Essaouirra